
Cars make us enthusiastic. Cars fascinate us. Cars are our passion. They are valuable, ideal as well as material - they are the gold in our garages. The Klima-Lounge is our contribution, to save this gold - the car. The Klima-Lounge program, based on most modern construction technology controls temperature and air moisture and protects your car from damages. We know which intensive pleasure the garage gold can release, especially after long immobility. This pleasure, this feeling, this long lasting experience with your car - that is it, what we would like to offer you.

More value - More fun


Echter Genuss

beginnt mit einem kleinen Ritual. Ein unscheinbarer Handgriff nur trägt intensive Vorfreude in sich. Ahnen wir nicht bereits beim Dekantieren eines Weines, wie seidig er uns über die Kehle rinnt? Stellen wir uns nicht schon beim Köpfen der Zigarre vor, wie ihr Geschmack herb unseren Gaumen streichelt - und malen wir uns nicht genüßlich aus, welche Symphonie gleich unsere Ohren betört, wenn wir den Schlüssel im Schloss unseres Automobils drehen?

Mit größter Sorgfalt behandeln wir das, was uns lieb und teuer ist. Wir bewahren es dort, wo es am besten aufgehoben ist - in einer behaglich gestalteten Umgebung. Automobile gehören in eine Klima-Lounge.

Individual solutions


has no limits in the construction of the Klima-Lounge. But first it concerns the functionality: As fuel is necessary to drive a car, Klima-Lounge forms the basis to protect your car. We offer climatic-requirement-calculation and the technology (self-installation) coordinated with it to suit the space you need. Other than that it is the beauty that inspires. Tiles, mirrors, plastering, carpet, stones - or from all of these something put together? Shall we integrate the Lounge in your living room, in your garage or in the underground parking lot? Allow your thoughts free reign. We take over the planning, organisation and execution and you devote your valuable time to your car. We build it in a short time exactly to your wishes. Automatic.


A Painter

created a wonderful work of art. As motif he chose your car. Where will you hang the picture - without protection from a ceiling? The image of the car was paid with deep respect. You also present other beautiful images of which your are proud of in your living area, maybe in the gallery, maybe in the corridor. We design the Klima-Lounge - HOME FOR CARS for your car. It is all about "esteemed value". One can feel, see, smell good style. Enjoy your car, together with your friends. Exchange ideas in beautiful, pleasant atmosphere. Feel the comfort of a Klima-Lounge as something very special. Automatic.


On the road

place value in your safety. Safety is just as important to us at home as it is on the road. With immobility between 85 and 98 percent the probability is greater that something happens to the car at home than on the street. Therefore: Monitor your Klima-Lounge from wherever you are -online.

You can turn on the lights online, open the door online and see in real time what the Klima-Lounge is doing at the moment. Fire. Water. Theft. The measure of safety is a question of demand. If desired we will integrate special isolation and fire doors in your Klima-Lounge. We will equip it with safety technology, which reacts to burglary and water. Smoke detector releases fire alarm and activate the fire extinguisher. In case of cases you will be notified immediately by your Lounge.


You know

he costs for your car. You also know what a good mechanic costs per hour. Against this the follow-up-costs of a Klima-Lounge is hardly perceptible. Apart from this the Lounge offers a valuable service for your car; you must not think about expensive repairs. And better maintained cars, cars taken good care of are sold better on the market. The decision for Klima-Lounge is not only an emotional decision, but also a Ratio. Ideal and material unite in this room. In the Klima-Lounge the value of your car remains as it is. Automatic



You enter your car and become disgusted at the smell - it smells musty, mouldy, decayed. Stationary, enclosed air develops just as negatively as stagnant water, which cannot breathe. Where there is no movement of air, small organisms begin to inhabit the area. Circulating air transports moisture through an air roll to the Klima-Lounge System and exchanges this with fresh air molecules. Without movement of air, moulds and fungus can form faster and damaging bacteria can take over. Not good for your well-being. Not good for your car. Not good for the driver. The Klima-Lounge ensures healthy, fresh air. Automatic.